Embark is part of an integrated software solution to assist brokerages in providing their clients access to the Latinex exchange. The focus of Embark is to help manage the relationship between the brokerage and their clients.
With Embark:
- Prospective clients can provide information for opening an account
- Clients can view the status of their account and perform account management activities such as:
- View balances and activity
- Request transfers
- Request account closure
- Ask for assistance
- View / Edit / Cancel orders
- Employees of the brokerage firm can
- Examine / approve new accounts
- Communicate with clients and prospective clients through email
The heart of Embark is a business process management (BPM) component that assists with the orderly flow of information and tasks, moving a process through to completion. As each brokerage is different, Embark provides the flexibility needed to adapt the process to their personalized workflow.
Implementation and Integration
During implementation, our developers work with your organization to document your current workflow. We also discus any changes that are desired. We then work with your implementation team to assure that Embark works as desired.
Embark is a web application. It is easily customizable, and is designed to take on the appearance and flow of your existing website. It can be hosted on highly secure and highly available servers provided by JMJ Atlanta on a subscription basis. It can also be brought in-house to be hosted on your servers.
Integrating other systems with Embark is made easy by an API that uses standard protocols such as REST, JSON, Google Protobuf, and Websockets. Access to business processes, building dashboards, or building bridges to and from back-office systems can be done using these web-based APIs.
Some Technical Details
Embark is a web application that is designed to run within your choice of web servers through FastCGI. It works with Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). Data persistence is provided via any popular relational database system (RDBMS) including MySQL, Postgres, Microsoft SQL Server, etc.
The majority of the application is written in C++, which allows portability, requires low resources and high performance.
The security of your information and that of your clients is of utmost importance. Embark was designed to provide the highest level of security possible, following the recommendations of resources such as the US FDIC (see https://www.fdic.gov/resources/bankers/information-technology/ ).
Applications hosted by JMJ Atlanta are located at a secure site (Digital Ocean NYC1). Physical access to the hardware is extremely limited. Remote administrative access is only provided to the principals of JMJ Atlanta. Any employee of JMJ Atlanta must be supervised by a principal while access is given.
Application access is only given through secure encrypted connections. Credentials for access are not stored in clear text. Any credentials that are provided through the use of applications are not stored in log files.
Where Embark fits within your organization
Embark is a front-end and middle component. It provides clients with market information and the ability to perform account-level administrative tasks. It also provides employees of the brokerage firm with a customer relationship (CRM) and business process (BPM) platform.

Embark connects your clients to information about the markets and their accounts. For account information, Embark can use the data within Embark Datafeed. Optionally it can connect to your existing database or CRM systems. For market information, Embark talks to the Embark Datafeed component.
Brokerage employees connect to Embark through their browser. There, they can manage accounts, account requests, and communication with the brokerage client.
Note that Embark is designed to integrate with your existing back-office systems or as the core system for your brokerage.