Uses for Komodo’s komodostate file
The komodostate file contains “events” that happened on the network. The file provides a quick way for the daemon to get back to where it was after a restart. Some of the record types are for features that are no…
The komodostate file contains “events” that happened on the network. The file provides a quick way for the daemon to get back to where it was after a restart. Some of the record types are for features that are no…
An issue recently popped up that required a review of notarization OP_RETURNs between chains. As I hadn’t gone through that code as yet, it was a good time to jump in. NOTE: Consider this entry a DRAFT, as there are…
This post is mainly for me to keep track of which hardforks did what. The main hardforks in Komodo are for the election of notaries. But there are other purposes. I will add to the list as I learn more.…
I recently deployed an unofficial testnet for Komodo. This will allow me to perform system tests of notary functionality without affecting the true Komodo chain. The idea is to change as little code as possible, test the notary functionality from…
Note: The following are my thoughts as a developer of Komodo Core. This is not a guarantee the work will be done in this manner, or even be done at all. This is me “typing out loud”. The Komodo Core…
A bit of background… The current branching strategy used in Komodo Core is somewhat informal. The idea is to formalize ideas so that everyone agrees on the procedures to follow, and those coming after us know what should be followed.…