

Boost Test Command Line Favorites

The BitShares-Core project uses Boost Test features to exercise the product. When starting the test, here are some interesting command line options: –run_test=module/test This will run a specific test. We organize them into modules, that usually match the filename for…

BitShares Testnet Notes

Here are some notes about the BitShares testnet. I just needed a single place to keep these: When syncing from scratch, it will seem to hang with the following message in the default log: 1753845ms th_a application.cpp:569 handle_block ] Got…

HTLC and Wallet Security

As Hash and Time Lock Contracts become more popular, they begin to be seen by the end user. For instance, wallets are now being built with this functionality. And that exposes the user to some unscrupulous actors that could cause…

BitShares TESTNET Binaries

These are version 3.1.0 binaries that connect to the BitShares TESTNET. I compiled these mainly for use by the BUIDL Boston hackathon, but there is nothing special about them. You can build them yourself from source by building the tags…

Bloom Filter Types

In the implementation I am working with, a bloom filter allows us to determine if a particular item has been selected from a set. Both the set and subset can be large. While speed is a benefit, the real benefit…

Git Tricks

Here are some tricks that I use. They’re here because I need a place to quickly refer to them. Updating a fork with upstream changes: Reference: git fetch upstream git checkout master git merge upstream/master Interactive rebasing: git rebase…

C++ Publish Subscribe

I had the need to make a publish-subscribe mechanism in C++. So as is common, I looked around at other examples to see how others have done it and found a simple example courtesy of GitHubGist user makomweb. His didn’t…

Hello world!

Every once in a while you have to clean house. So, I wiped out my website and am starting over (again). When I get time, I’ll put more here.